True Life In God - Vassula Ryden arrow Vassulas runas par dažādām garīgām tēmām arrow Lielā Atgriešanās

2020.gada 13.martā

Uzrunājiet cilvēkus un sakiet viņiem: šis ļaunums turpināsies ilgāk nekā jūs domājat, ja jūs nenožēlosiet savus nepareizos darbus un grēkus un nebūsiet patiesi savās lūgšanās; vērsieties pie Manis, jūsu Dieva, un nožēlojiet; Mani, jūsu Dievu, sasniegs patiesa un vispārēja lūgšana; gavēšana aizdzīs dēmonus; Man ir pieņemams ikviens upuris; aizdzeniet savu letarģisko garu un atsakieties no saviem ļaunajiem ceļiem, un izlīgstiet mieru ar Mani, jūsu Dievu; lai Es sadzirdētu: “Kungs, apžēlojies par mani, grēcinieku!”, un Es parādīšu savu līdzjūtību; un Es izliešu svētības pār jums visiem; nāciet, nebaidieties; Es klausos…

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Lielā Atgriešanās


Svētā Gara darbība
Radības atjaunošana
Lielā Atgriešanās

Jūs noteikti zināt, cik daudzus no “Patiesas dzīves Dievā” vēstījumiem ir devis Svētais Gars. Varbūt tāpēc, ka mēs Viņu esam atstājuši nedaudz malā…
Kungs ar vēstījumu starpniecību mums māca, ka dvēsele nevar dzīvot savādāk kā vien Svētajā Garā. Svētais Gars ir dzīva elpa, kas mūsu izkaltušajā dvēselē dveš patiesu augšāmcelšanos un vēlmi dzīvot “Patiesu dzīvi Dievā”. Bez Svētā Gara mēs esam garīgi miruši. Svētajā Garā mēs dzīvojam, kustamies un esam – mēs esam kā zivis, kuras savu dzīvību iegūst ūdenī – ja tā no ūdens tiek izņemta, tā izkalst un nomirst. Tas pats attiecas uz mums un Svēto Garu. Tieši tāpēc mēs esam aicināti vienoties ar To, Kurš ir Patiesa Dzīve, Kurš ir Dzīvības Devējs, Kurš mums dāvā dzīvību, mūs atjauno un atdzīvina Kristū.
 “Jūsos mājojošais iekšējais spēks ir Mans Svētais Gars – Viņā jūs elpojat un kustaties, Viņā jūsu eksistence nekad neapstājas. Jūsu dvēseles iekšējā gaisma ir Mans Svētais Gars – Viņš jūsu dvēseli dara neiznīcīgu un žēlastības pilnu, Viņš to pārveido Manās Debesīs, Manā atdusas vietā un pilnīgā mājoklī Man, jūsu Dievam. Svētais Gars ir Aizbildinātājs, kurš jūsu garu paceļ augstumos, ieved jūs vienotībā ar Maniem svētajiem un eņģeļiem…” (09.01.1996)
Jā, jo Svētajā Garā Debesis satur zemi – Viņš uzklausa mūsu lūgšanas un pienes tās Dievam. Es daudzas reizes esmu teikusi – to es iemācījos ar vēstījumu starpniecību – ka vienīgais veids, kādā mēs varam iepazīt Dievu, ir Svētajā Garā. Šīs zināšanas nav saistītas ar mūsu prātu vai ar mūsu intelektu. Tieši tāpēc Dievs mūs aicina uz sadraudzību ar Svēto Garu – kad mums šī sadraudzība ir, mēs apzināmies, ka Viņš ir mūsos mājojošais patiesas Dzīvības Koks, mēs saprotam, ka Viņš ir VISS. Tad mūsu dzīve pārvēršas nemitīgā prieka svētkos, jo Svētā Gara klātbūtne dvēselē pati par sevi ir prieks.
 “Svētais Gars būs jūsu acu gaisma, jūsu esamības iemesls, jūsu sirdspuksti, jūsu vārdi, jūsu smiekli un jūsu prieks. Viņš būs jūsu dvēsele ķēnišķīgā rota, jūsu gara sargs, Viņš būs Himna Himnai un “Āmen” kuru jūs sakāt tam, kurš pats ir “Āmen”. (09.01.1996)
Kungs mums ir devis Svēto Garu un mēs esam noklausījušies Kunga Mīlestības melodijā, lai aizmirstu zemi Dieva mīlošā Maiguma dēļ. Kunga mīlestība ir kvēlojoša liesma, kura aizšķērso jūsos ceļu jebkādai miesīgai vai pasaulīgai domai. Ikviens, kurš ir piedzīvojis šo mīlestību, ilgosies pēc tās atkal un atkal, dienu un nakti, nenogurstoši, šī mīlestība vilks viņu pie sevis. Lūk kā, dažos vārdos, Kungs izskaidro šo realitāti: “Svētais Gars ir Manas Baznīcas iekšējais Spēks, Viņš ir Liesma, kura jūs atdzīvina un šķīstī, un kura dara jūsu garu par ugunīgām kolonnām, par degošiem mīlestības ugunskuriem, par dzīvām gaismas lāpām, kuras bezbailīgi sludina Manu Vārdu…” (15.04.1991)
Kungs mūs mīl. Lai arī Viņš mūs ir radījis no putekļiem, mēs esam tikuši izgreznoti ar Svēto Garu. Bez Viņa mēs būtu vienīgi grēcīga putekļu saujiņa, kas izplēn šajā plašajā pasaulē. Tāpēc Kungs mums saka: „Svētais Gars ir Manas Baznīcas iekšējais Spēks – Viņš pārveido, paceļ un dara jūs patiesi līdzīgus Man…” (15.04.1991)
Kungs mūs māca Svētajā Garā kā arī ar Savu Vistīrāko Asiņu un Miesas starpniecību – visi, kuri Viņam seko, tiek pārveidoti pēc Dieva Tēva līdzības. Svētais Gars ir darījis mūs par Kunga ģimenes locekļiem – par to liecina miers, kuru piedzīvojat sevī un mīlestība ar kādu jūs mīlat visus cilvēkus. Bez Dieva dvēselei nav nedz miera, nedz mīlestības. Kungs par to runā kādā no vēstījumiem: „Mans Svētais Gars būs jūsu brālis, jūsu māsa un jūsu uzticamais draugs.” (09.01.1996)
Svētais Gars Sevi neatklāj tiem, kurus piepilda intelektuālais lepnums – Viņš atklājas vienkāršajiem un garā nabadzīgajiem. Svētais Gars saka: „Es jūs darīšu bagātus jūsu nabadzībā, spēcīgus jūsu vājumā, dedzīgus un uzticamus par spīti jūsu grēcīgumam. Neskatoties uz Savu niecību jūs tiksiet darīti par dzīvu altāri Mūsu trīsvienīgajam Svētumam.” (09.01.1996)
Svētais Gars mums ir ticis dāvāts, lai Viņā mēs saprastu, kas ir mūžīgā dzīve. Daļēji mēs jau to zinām: mūžīgā dzīve ir Svētais Gars. Dvēsele dzīvo Dieva mīlestībā, Svētā Gara pazemībā un lēnprātībā. Tomēr mums ir jāatvēl Svētajam Garam vieta mūsu dvēselēs. Mums ir ne vien jāatveras Viņam, bet arī jānomirst mūsu kaislībām – it īpaši tām, kuras mūsos aizšķērso ceļu Svētajam Garam. Svētais Gars patiešām ir mūžīgā dzīve. Viņš saka: „Manī ir brīvība un mīlestība. Es esmu kā bagātīga augsne. Nāc un sēj savas sēklas Manī, tad Manī tu arī ievāksi ražu – mūžīgo Dzīvi, bet paradīze kļūs par tavām mājām.” (09..01.1996)
Dvēsele ir kā līgava, bet Kungs ir tās Līgavainis – viņi viens otru mīl un ilgojas viens pēc otra. Kungs Savā Mīlestībā ilgojas pēc dvēsele un ir noskumis, ja tajā nav vietas Svētajam Garam. Savukārt dvēsele, kura ir iepazinusi Kungu, ilgojas pēc Viņa, jo Kunga ir viņas prieks un dzīvība. Kungs mūsdienās bieži atkārto, ka Svētais Gars ilgojas mūs darīt par Savu saderināto.
 „Svētais Gars nāk pie tevis kā Līgavainis, kurš vēlas tevi aplidot, savaldzināt un salaulāties ar tevi.” (09.01.1996)
Kā Līgavainis Svētais Gars izgreznos Savu līgavu ar Savām dāvanām: „Es tevi piepildīšu ar visdažādākajām Mana Svētā Gara dāvanām. Nāc un iemanto Mana Gara draudzību, kļūsti par Viņa līdzstrādnieku. Tad Viņš atvērs tavu prātu un tavas acis, un ievadīs tevi Savos Noslēpumos. Tu ieraudzīsi Neredzamo un tas viss tev tiks dāvāts pilnīgi bez maksas.” (09.01.1996)
Mūsdienās Dievs izlej Svēto Garu kā vēl nekad agrāk cilvēces vēsturē. Viņš atjauno un atver mūsu prātu, Viņš notīra pelējumu, kas ir sakrājies mūsos, lai mēs spētu saprast un iepazīt Dievu un varētu tikt pārveidoti vēl vienā paradīzē. „Bez Svētā Gara starpniecības arī apustuļi nesaprata nedz Mani, nedz Manu mācību. Tomēr tajā dienā, kad Es atgriezos pie Tēva, Es sūtīju pie viņiem Aizstāvi, kura uzdevums bija atgādināt viņiem visas lietas. Tagad esmu gatavs nākt pie jums, bet jūs vēl neesat sapratuši kā tas notiks…”
Daudzos vēstījumos Kungs runā par drīzu atjaunotni un to, ka tā notiks....
In many messages our Lord speaks of a renewal that is about to come by the Holy Spirit and that it will come by fire: "So when you will see the sky dissolve into flames and the elements melt in the heat, know that this is the sign of the beginning of My Promise, and of the New Heavens and the New Earth, the renewal of My Church, the revival of My Church, the revival of your hearts." 19.12.90
Then in another passage, the Lord explains to us Chapter 21 of the Apocalypse; what the New Heavens and the New Earth mean. I am only taking a few lines out of a long text. Here our Lord compares our soul into an earth and a heaven. This is what He says: "Allow My Holy Spirit to cultivate your soil and make a terrestrial Eden in you. Let My Holy Spirit make a new earth to prosper in your soil so that your first earth, that was the devil's property, wears away, then once again My glory will shine in you and all the divine seeds sown in you by My Holy Spirit will sprout and grow in My divine Light..."
As for the new heavens:"My Holy Spirit, consort of My Throne will shine in your darkness like a splendid sun in the sky, because the word will be given to you to express thoughts and speech as I would wish you to think and speak. Everything expressed will be in accordance to My Image and Thought... and the paths of those who received My Holy Spirit will be straightened so will their darkness and gloom too be enlightened and restored into blazing stars illuminating their darkness for ever and ever..."
"Learn that only the seeds sown by the Holy Spirit in you can yield fruits in abundance - without these divine seeds your soul will remain a desert, uncultivated and a land of drought! So say these words: "Lord, give us Your Kingdom, so that we may obtain incorruptibility and the deity to have Eternal Life." 27.2.95
When the Lord speaks here about the Kingdom, He means that this Kingdom is His Holy Spirit: so, the words could be: "Lord, give us Your Holy Spirit, so that we may obtain incorruptibility and the deity to have Eternal Life:
And finally as for the New Jerusalem, as we are the city of God, we will be renewed in the Holy Spirit.
The Great Return
But what is again the Hope of the message? The Hope is that we can be sure that our Lord will pour out His Holy Spirit to all mankind and will bring us to unite completely and that His Return is imminent... Because it is imminent, the Lord sends before Him His Holy Spirit to prepare us and the Bride of the Spirit who is our Blessed Mother to prepare the way for Jesus. In spite that both of Them are persecuted with frenzy and chased away, do not fear, God will execute His Plan as foreseen by Him, because the reign of the Kingdom of God is at hand and in this reign His Will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.
"My Will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven, and under My Hallowed Name many nations shall come from far away, from all the ends of the earth to dwell close to My Holy Name, extolling My greatness by the divinity I would give you back." 19.12.90
When Jesus talks about His return, He also makes it obvious that it is not the end of the world. So how could His Return be explained? When I raised the question to Jesus on how is He to come, Jesus then only told me this: "Love will return as love." The Spirit of the Lord is love and so for me it meant that the Holy Spirit will renew us as never before in history in a second generalized pentecost and teach us to live in the love of God. So then it was only a question of the Holy Spirit as a great return. Here is a typical message about His Great Return:
"My return is imminent and I am giving you constant signs to prepare you. Love is on the path of return, I am on My way to you.
Tell Me, when a king enters into a city, will there be no preparations to receive him? The whole city will be in turmoil and the king will send before him his elect and his imperial court to prepare a way for him and make his paths straight. He will send his messengers to announce his coming. He will ask them to shout with a loud voice: "Here is your King, your King is coming..."
This is why, before My Return, I am sending you before Me, the Arch of Alliance, I am sending you the Woman of the Apocalypse, the second Eve, who will crush the serpent's head with her heel. I am sending you before Me My Mother, to open a broad highway and level it in this desert and make your peace with Me, your King, before My Great Return.. I am sending you My angels to remind you of My Holiness, My magnificence and My splendour. I am sending you My mouthpieces to shout and proclaim on the rooftops of your houses the wedding of My Holy Spirit...Soon, very soon now I shall tear the heavens open and come down in full force!" 10.10.90
Now lately, the Lord has been opening my mind to understand further things on His Return. I came to understand that not only, would it be that the Holy Spirit would purify us and unite us as One Body and that we would be living under the Divine Will of God, remaining indissolubly united with Him, and that His glorious reign of the Kingdom on earth will be with us soon, when He had said that "His Holy Spirit of Grace is being sent out to the four corners of the earth to teach us to be holy and raise us up again into divine beings and that the earth shall turn into a copy of heaven and thus His Will shall be done, and that the prayer that He had taught us to pray would be fulfilled." 22.4.90
Well, not only would it be that way, but lately God made me understand a deeper meaning on His Return.
In the beginning I thought I should keep this understanding to myself and I was very hesitant to share it with you today or with anyone, but every time I think of it, my heart bounces with joy, and this joy I recognize being the presence of the Holy Spirit. So I decided to share what I know so far. But before I express myself I would like to prepare you with some texts from the 4 gospels that are taken after the Resurrection:
(Matthew) "Meanwhile the eleven disciples set out for Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had arranged to meet them. When they saw Him they fell down before Him, though some hesitated. Jesus came up and spoke to them..."
(Mark) "Having risen in the morning on the first day of the week, Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene.... After this, He showed Himself under another form to two of them as they were on their way into the country... Lastly He showed Himself to the Eleven themselves while they were at table..."
(Then He appeared to the two on the road to Emmaus and we know that He appeared to Peter. Then He appeared to the Eleven:)
(Luke) "They were still talking about all this when He himself stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you!" In a state of alarm and fright, they thought they were seeing a ghost. But He said, "Why are you so agitated, and why are these doubts rising in your hearts? Look at My Hands and Feet; yes, it is I indeed. Touch Me and see for yourselves; a ghost has no flesh and bones as you can see I have.... So He said to them, "Have you anything here to eat?" And they offered him a piece of grilled fish, which He took and ate before their eyes."
(John) (While the doors were closed) Jesus came and stood among His disciples; showing His wounds and calling St. Thomas to touch His side wound, so that he believes. Later on Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples. It was by the Sea of Tiberias. There, He also had prepared a fire for the fish. He had a meal with His disciples again."
The Holy Spirit reveals to me, but just barely, that Our Lord's Return might be very similar to the texts we just shared. It might be in a way that He has done before. After His Resurrection He appeared for many days with His glorious Body to different people. So to my understanding, His Great Return could be in a similar way, but more powerful, thus the manner of the Great Return would be nothing new or extravagant either.
We hear many theologians say that the Mystical Body, which is the Church, is going through a tribulation which could be compared to the Passion of Christ; the Lord Himself told us that it is that way; we know that after the Passion there is the Resurrection, and after the Resurrection Christ's Appearances; so, could it be that the Great Return of which Jesus is announcing comes in this manner? Would He be appearing with His glorious Body, here and there, a Body which can consume food and yet can appear and disappear? As the Host is multiplied so could He be everywhere and at the same time and everyone would be able to see Him without falling into ecstasy.
I wanted to share this with you, but remember: the Holy Spirit just barely made me approach the fringes of what He means on His Great Return. "The time is almost up now. I am coming to your help. I am coming to your oppressed; by the road that I came on I will return. I am coming, therefore be ready to welcome Me O children!" 22.7.92
"Beloved ones, stay vigilant and awake and you will hear My Footsteps. The Word now is very near you and on His way of Return." 19.12.90
And we will end by sharing two messages from our Blessed Mother: "Ecclesia will revive! Courage! There is a baptism to come and what a great baptism that will be! Jesus will baptize the earth with Fire - until then I shall keep appearing. So now is the time of repentance; now is the time of reconciliation...God is asking every soul to repent. Let it be known that without earnest prayers you will not be able to see the Kingdom of God - His reign on earth is at hand..." 23.4.93
"The hour is near when a Light will shine from above and Our Two Hearts, like Two Lamps shining near each other will revive this world, bringing it from darkness to light. Those Two Hearts the world combatted will prevail in the end! and the kingdoms of the world will pass away and will be replace by My Son's Kingdom.. this is all very near you now! When you leave from here leave with the Lord's peace and My peace." Ecclesia will revive. Amen. 29.11.92

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